Congestion Management

Demand for highway travel by Americans continues to grow as population increases, particularly in metropolitan areas.

ACOG’s Congestion Management Process (CMP) is tailored to maximize the use and efficiency of existing transportation facilities to relieve congestion and improve livability. Techniques include various hotspot, arterial and highway travel demand reduction as well as traffic management strategies such as improved intersection geometry, access management and the promotion of alternative modes of transportation, telecommuting, carpooling and park-and-ride.

ACOG’s Congestion Management Workgroup monitors 19 corridors in the Central Oklahoma region identified as recurring congestion problems. The performance of these corridors and other roadway segments are monitored and reviewed on a biennial basis to ensure recurring and non-recurring congestion issues are properly addressed.

It is the goal of ACOG to work with member entities in addressing recurring and non-recurring congestion management issues.

Staff Contacts

John M. Sharp

Deputy Director

Jennifer Sebesta

TPS Division Manager

Traffic Counts

The ACOG traffic count database system for the Central Oklahoma Transportation Management Area (TMA) allows users to explore, research, and analyze traffic count data along a specific street, county road, state or US highway within Central Oklahoma.


Regional Crash Analysis

Although fatal and serious traffic accidents occur throughout the region, some streets and intersections have higher than average death and injury crash rates. Every five years, ACOG compiles a Regional Crash Data Analysis to pinpoint accident hotspots, as well as multi-year temporal and spatial patterns that provide valuable information to decision makers.

High Crash Story Map

Check out our story map featuring high-crash areas on Oklahoma City area streets. Click here to view it now.

Traffic Incident Management

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) is the planned and coordinated, multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to and clear traffic incidents in order to restore normal traffic flow as safely and quickly as possible. Effective TIM reduces the duration and impacts of traffic incidents and improves the safety of motorists, crash victims and emergency responders.

Regional Snow Routes

Although wintry weather is infrequent in Central Oklahoma, it is not uncommon for the region to receive its fair share of winter precipitation. In an effort to improve public safety and avoid crashes attributed to winter weather, multiple municipal, county and state-wide entities and agencies work together to develop a comprehensive annual Central Oklahoma Regional Snow Routes map, available here.

Intelligent Transportation Systems

The growth of a region should go hand-in-hand with the growth of transportation technologies. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have the ability to influence driver behavior, before or during a trip, in pursuance of ideal or improved traffic flow, a vital part of the Central Oklahoma congestion management process.

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